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The sarcophagus containing the remains of Federico II, located in the Cathedral of Palermo (Sicily, Italy), was opened on 1998 to perform a multidisciplinary survey [1]. Next to the remains of Federico II and in close contact with them were laying two other skeletons belonging, according to historical records, to Pietro II di Aragona and to an anonymous person (“The Third Individual”), probably a woman. The bones appeared severely deteriorated. Chemical analysis performed on bone samples excluded that the bodies underwent some kind of embalming process. The analysis of mtDNA from bone samples taken from the three skeletons was successful in only one of the two labs involved. The HVR1-mtDNA sequence (region: from nt 16,035 to nt 16,395), obtained from the bone samples of Federico II and “The Third Individual” appear identical but bear double peaks at the same nucleotide positions, suggesting mixing (i.e. contamination) of different mtDNA types. The HVR1 sequence obtained from the bone sample of Pietro II di Aragona does not present double peaks and differ from the Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS) at six nucleotide positions. Cloning experiment of the Federico II amplicon demonstrated that the mixed mtDNA types are only two: one identical to CRS, the other identical to the sequence of Pietro II di Aragona. A reconstruction of these data are proposed in the Discussion. Due to the problematic context in which this study was carried out (mixed and deteriorated biological material, failure to replicate results in two different labs), our results and reconstruction can only be offered on a tentative basis. It is hoped that the data presented in this study will reveal useful, for future comparison, if further molecular genetics research will be carried out on the royal dynasties that ruled Sicily in the early centuries of the past millennium.  相似文献   
In introductory statistics courses, the concept of power is usually presented in the context of testing hypotheses about the population mean. We instead propose an exercise that uses a binomial probability table to introduce the idea of power in the context of testing a population proportion.  相似文献   
The appeal of Bush's post-September 11 discourse lies in its similarities with the Puritan rhetoric of covenant renewal by which ministers brought second- and third-generation Puritans into the church. Through this epideictic discourse, Bush implored younger Americans to uphold the national covenant of their “elders,” the World War II generation, through support of the war on terrorism, and he revitalized the faith of the older generation. Bush's covenant renewal rhetoric in the context of September 11 inaugurated him into the presidency. It also explains his predilection for unilateral and/or pre-emptive action and his call for acts of local community service.  相似文献   
对战败以后被停止行使国家主权的日本来说,尽快实现媾和结束占领,恢复行使国家主权,重返国际社会是战后初期最重要的外交课题。在这一过程中,如何以最小的代价,以对己最有利的方式实现媾和成为日本各界关注的焦点。然而,一般来说何时媾和,把何种问题纳入媾和议题等均由掌握媾和主导权的战胜国来决定。二战后美苏矛盾不断激化,东西冷战的乌云迅速蔓延东亚的形势下,掌握对日占领主导权的美国,为使日本尽快成为"东亚防共防波堤",高唱对日"宽大的媾和",致使日本置喙媾和问题的机会陡然增加。在东西冷战迅速蔓延的形势下,安全保障问题和与之相联系的日本周边岛屿的处置问题,成了日本能否谋求同盟国尽早实现媾和的关键。最终日本吉田茂政府接受美军继续驻扎日本本土;牺牲冲绳人民的利益,同意美国以联合国的名义托管琉球(冲绳),日本只保留"潜在主权(或‘残存主权’)"的有限恢复主权的方式实现了同西方阵营的"多数媾和"——即事实上的"片面媾和"。  相似文献   
This essay examines the career of the Shafi?ī jurist and logician Sirāj al-Dīn Urmavī (1198–1283), who combined his scholarly and judicial activities with ambassadorial appointments to Frederick II, King of Sicily and Holy Roman Emperor, and the Ilkhan Hülegü. Originally from Azerbaijan, Sirāj al-Dīn spent most of his professional life in Ayyūbid Cairo and, from 1257, in Seljuk Konya, where he spent the final decades of his life as chief qadi. Through a contextualised reading of the extant biographical information for Sirāj al-Dīn, the article draws particular attention to two aspects of his physical and professional trajectory. First, the essay situates Sirāj al-Dīn's career in the context of processes of cultural change in thirteenth-century Anatolia. It seeks to demonstrate both the transfer and adaptation to the Anatolian urban milieu of social–cultural patterns attested for the a?yān in neighbouring predominantly Muslim societies, and the shaping of the social and cultural functions of immigrant scholars to Anatolia by local conditions. Second, the article identifies Sirāj al-Dīn as a prominent participant in an intellectual community engaged in inter-cultural exchange across political and confessional boundaries in the thirteenth-century eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   
文章比较了ILAS Ⅱ与INTERLIB在流通外借子系统实际操作中的细微差异,以期图书馆自动化集成系统能进一步得到完善。  相似文献   
张丽娜 《大众科技》2012,(6):270-271,275
文章针对第二类疫苗的特殊性,总结以往招标采购的经验与教训,对第二类疫苗招标采购的质量保证、价格优惠、供货商服务良好、操作方便、供货稳定等进一步加强规范化,提出建议.  相似文献   
马其顿方阵是以重装步兵方阵为核心,多兵种密切协同的战术体系。马其顿方阵对西方军事理论产生了重大的影响。它开创了西方战争史上多兵种协同作战的全新战术模式,发展了西方的军事传统—会战模式,奠定了西方军事理论强调战术组织纪律性的传统,形成和体现了西方军事理论十分重视后勤保障和高度重视火力作用的特点。  相似文献   
文章从非书资料的编目现状入手,结合ILASⅡ系统的编目功能,分析影响非书资料编目的主要原因及解决办法,并对完善非书资料编目规则及条例提出建议.  相似文献   
 本文利用1998-2008年中国29个省市高校与企业的面板数据,以产学联合申请专利数为产出变量,通过构建随机前沿知识生产函数,探究了“模式Ⅱ”情境下应用导向、跨学科研究、参与者异质性、组织多样性对知识生产效率的影响,并对比分析了区域间知识生产的平均效率及影响因素的边际效应。研究表明:我国区域知识生产效率水平的格局为:东部>中部>西部;“模式Ⅱ”情境下企业的人才与资金投入对知识生产有显著的正向影响,而高校知识存量对产学合作中的知识生产贡献度更高,并且该过程具有规模报酬递减的属性;应用导向等影响因素对知识生产效率均有显著的正向影响,但是存在区域与时效上的差异性,应用导向与参与者异质性对东部地区的边际影响较大,东部地区企业参与知识生产的边际效果高于中西部地区,政府介入产学合作对中西部地区知识生产具有长效的正向影响。  相似文献   
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